You Are Welcome Here
In 1976, the Episcopal Church passed a resolution affirming that gay people are 'children of God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church.' The Episcopal Church has since embraced marriage equality, and it ordains priests and bishops irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity.
St. Mary's is an open and welcoming congregation. There is a significant LGBTQ population at St. Mary’s. A group of us get together regularly for fun events like brunch and movie night. Please know that you and your family will be warmly welcomed and respected here. Marriage is open to all people.

Please send a message with your email address below if you are interested in learning more about LGBTQ outreach, social events, or weddings at St. Mary's.
Upcoming Events
Pride 2024
October 20, 2024
The Diocese of Arizona welcomes its parishes to participate in the annual Pride Parade and also the counter-protest affirming the love of God at the gates to the current year's venue. St. Mary's has gladly participated as one of the parish contingents every year.​
Please check back for more details.

Monthly LGBTQ+ Fellowship Brunch
By Announcement
St. Mary's LGBTQ+ members and their families often gather together to seek fellowship and building each other up, frequently over a shared meal. If you are interested, please email anastasia.kilcup@gmail.com for more information.