Weekly Notices
Over the past ten years Ancient Advent has become a beloved tradition here at Saint Mary’s. Expanding Advent from four Sundays to seven Sundays has many ramifications for the spiritual life of 21 st century Christians.
These are two principal reasons for re-establishing Ancient Advent in the life of the Church. Dean William Petersen explains:
“First the churches log ago lost the Advent season to what I call the ‘Christmas
Culture’ of our society – instead of Advent we celebrate the ‘Christmas Shopping
Season.’ We all know that Christmas decorations and gift items begin to appear
in all kinds of stores way before Hallowe’en. After October 31 the manifestation
becomes complete! By the time the church year begins a month later in
December with Advent I, the churches are tempted to make the season
exclusively a four-week journey to Bethlehem. But that focus is only one aspect
(and secondary at that!) of the Advent season.
“The primary one is beginning the new church year with a steady look at the ‘end
times,’ that is, at the goal of fulfillment of all the implications of Christ’s
resurrection for humanity and, indeed, the entire creation. This is usually called
the ‘kingdom’ or the ‘reign of God.’ That emphasis is intended to give the
beginning of the annual cycle of the liturgical year an emphasis that will help
Christians to engage ever more deeply in Christ’s mission of peace, justice, and
the integrity of creation. Having these things firmly in heart, mind, and will, we
may be able more authentically to enter into the yearly round from Bethlehem to
the Passion, Pentecost, and the celebration of All Saints that concludes the year.
Starting Advent in November would, at least, give the primary focus of the
season a chance before we are all overcome by carols in Mall music.
“The second reason for an expanded season has to do with setting before us in
our worship, rooted in Scripture, an alternative and, I think, more authentic vision
of the ‘end times’ or the ‘reign of God’ than those otherwise so effectively media-
touted ones offered in fundamentalist, millennialist, or rapture-ist churches,”
Our 10 year experiment has shown us that it really is possible to ‘get a spiritual jump’ on the “Season of Consumption” and Saint Mary’s people are glad to do it again this year!
Facing East During Advent
For almost two thousand years Christians have been looking east – the direction of the dawning light, the direction from which Christ will appear at his second coming.
All Christians looked toward the east during public worship – including the Celebrant of the Mass. There are many implications of this way of celebrating the Eucharist, but this is what it emphatically is not “the priest turning his back on the people.”
Since Advent spiritually is about the eschaton – the end of time, the ‘making of all things new’ at Christ’s second coming in glory – this is an especially appropriate time to allow the three sacred ministers to join the congregation as we all ‘look eastward’ in body, soul, and spirit.
We will return to west-facing celebrations on Christmas Eve.
About the O Antiphons
The O Antiphons developed during the Church’s very first centuries. These texts spring from the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures, the Prophets, and Wisdom Books. They are found in the Liturgy of the Hours, which is used for daily prayer. Advent is about the many ways in which the Lord comes to us.
The Advent Solemn Set
The Advent Solemn Set was the very first work (in 2013) of our liturgical sewing group. The theme behind the set is the expectancy of “the far-spent night.”
In keeping with the season, the dark blue/purple of the fabric and the absence of rich decoration reflect the solemn-but-not-penitential nature of Advent. The layered fabric evokes symbolically the stars shining in the twilight just before dawn.
"In the tender compassion of our God, the morning star from on high shall
shine upon us, giving light to those who sit in darkness and under the
shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace."
– Luke 1 78-9 NEB
We give thanks to God for the talented work of those dedicated parishioners Janie McKee, Gwen Pelton, and Cheri Williams whose talent made the idea a reality.
Advent Candles
We all know about Advent Wreathes which many churches (including Saint Mary’s) have used to mark the four Sundays of Advent. In keeping with our experiment in recovering the ancient Advent of seven Sundays in all its fullness, our Advent candle concept is a bit different. This is one way to distinguish our celebration of ancient Advent from that of other churches for whom an Advent Wreath is merely a way of counting down the Sundays between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
In our polycandelon, the seven large candles symbolize the ages of God’s salvation history form the creation of the universe to the end of time and the Second Coming of Christ in Glorious Majesty.
The inner oil lamps symbolize those events which tempt us to predict Christ’s second coming which, as Jesus tells us ‘no one knows, except the Father.’
Special Visitor December 8
We are expecting a visit from the Bishop of Myra (also known as St. Nicholas) next Sunday following Mass. He will share with us stories of his adventures and perhaps some treats as well.
Festive Christmas Eve Mass
Tuesday, December 24, 2024 9:30 p.m.
Join us for a wonderful Christmas Eve Celebration beginning with pre-service music at 9:30 p.m. A festive reception will follow. Please bring something jolly to share with your fellow parishioners.
Bishop's Visit and Confirmations
Sunday, January 26, 2025, 10:30 a.m.
The Right Reverend Jennifer Reddall, 6th bishop of the Diocese of Arizona, will be at Saint Mary’s this January for her bi-annual pastoral visit. She will celebrate Mass and provide the opportunity for confirmations and receptions. Youth interested in confirmation should speak with Mrs. Boddy. Adults interested confirmation (or reception if you were already confirmed in the Lutheran, Roman Catholic or Orthodox Church) should speak with Fr. Craig.
Adult Formation
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. in the Library
A class for inquirers, people interested in joining Saint Mary’s and the Episcopal Church, and anyone wanting to learn more about the Anglican Way.
The Anglican tradition is known for the way we honor the questions of Christian faith and life – it is a central part of our ethos and the way we approach our relationship with God. In this seven week series, we will explore the Anglican approach to scripture, prayers, liturgy, music, and the sacraments as they have been received and celebrated in the Episcopal Church, and here at Saint Mary’s.
In this class we will honor God’s gift of reason, curiosity, discovery, doubt, and community by inviting conversation about deeply significant aspects of our lives. Join us as we encounter The Rules of Faith; how they can lead us ever deeper in our knowledge and love of the Lord.
For question contact Fr. Craig craigplus@mac.com Other meeting times are possible, just ask.
Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. by Zoom
Exploring the Epistles of John
Following on the heels of our exploration of John's Gospel are the Epistles attributed to him. The Johannine epistles, or the Letters of John are three of the catholic (to all Christians, not addresses to one congregation) epistles in the New Testament. In content and style they resemble the Gospel of John. Specifically in the First Epistle of John, Jesus is identified with the divine Christ, and more than in any other New Testament text a God's love of humanity is emphasized. Join the weekly bible study for an in-depth examination of these texts.
Read more here. Everyone is welcome!
Children and Youth
Sunday School
Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Lectionary-based Montessori-style learning and activities for children and youth are available during the Liturgy of the Word. Young people join the service during the Exchange of the Peace.
Community Adult Classes
The Expedition & Equilibrium​
M.K.O. Champions LLC, a local small business, is providing free courses from 11-12:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays in the parish library starting Dec. 3rd.
Equilibrium aims to help adults to restructure their lives from struggling to creating long lasting stability desired in every area of wellness.
The Expedition assists adults with goals and vision for their lives to execute effective plans through development of strong social support in each area of wellness.
Inquiries for attending can be addressed by contacting Melissa Figueroa at 602-740-6765 or Karen Dura - parish administrator.
The Alms Fund :: Helping parishioners and others in immediate need
The number of people calling—or appearing at our doors—needing help with rent, water or electric or gas bills, food, auto repair, etc., has greatly increased since the height of the pandemic. These are tough times for many of us, and the Alms Fund is there to help...sometimes. You can help us help those who despair that their electricity will be cut off, or that they will be evicted, or that their children won't have the nourishment they need to grow and flourish, or they need a nice outfit in order to interview for a job, or...or...or...
You can help St. Mary's respond in ways Jesus commanded us to respond by donating to St. Mary's Alms Fund. Just write a check with a memo "Alms Fund," or if you make your donations electronically, you can designate an extra donation to St. Mary's with a similar memo. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Parish Administrator, Karen Dura, at karen@stmarysphoenix.org
Help us help St. Mary's People and many others in immediate need so they have time to seek longer term solutions.
Thank you so very much!
Ministry Opportunities at St. Mary's
A parish community depends on the generous giving of time, talent, and treasure by our members. We are very grateful to all our brothers and sisters who, week by week, support our common life and ministry in this place. Please review the list below and consider one of these ministry opportunities. For more information speak with the ministry lead(s) or Karen.
Altar Guild (Phyllis) - prepare the church for worship on Sundays and Holy Days and keep the shrines and chapel orderly
Greeters and Ushers (Pat, Ron) - greet our guests at Mass and provide them with service leaflets, newcomer cards and information about our parish.
Hospitality Team (Cheak) - prepare for coffee hour and other receptions, help to keep the kitchen and parish hall neat.
Lectionary Readers (Fr. Craig, Linda) - read the lessons on Sundays and Holy Days
Liturgical Ministers (Fr. Craig) - serve at the altar during worship
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Cheak) - bring the sacrament to homebound parishioners
Schola Cantorum (Br. Jeffrey, Will) - provide music for worship
The Larger Church
Union of Black Episcopalians
Please note that beginning in December chapter meetings for the Union of Black Episcopalians will be on Saturdays instead of Sunday. The meeting on December 7 th will be at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Please email ubeaz.exec@gmail.com for the meeting link.
Sign Up for Diocesan News
The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona publishes a weekly email news letter—which includes thoughts about a variety of topics by Bishop Reddall—and a quarterly magazine. These are free to anyone in our congregation who wishes to receive them. All you have to do is sign up!
Just enter azdiocese.org/newsletter/ in your web browser and follow the link. These are excellent ways to keep abreast of happenings around the diocese and the larger church.
Subscribe to our email list for periodic announcements, reflections, and news items from St. Mary's. It's a great way to stay in touch with what's happening around the parish!