Welcome Antelopes!
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is your nearest Episcopal congregation, and we invite you to visit any time.
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gcu grand canyon university Episcopalian
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gcu grand canyon university Episcopalian church
gcu grand canyon university Anglican church
gcu grand canyon university catholic church
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gcu grand canyon university Episcopalian churches
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Gcu churches
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Churches near gcu
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Anglican church near grand canyon university
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Catholic churches near grand canyon university
Organ gcu grand canyon university
Organ recital gcu grand canyon university
Organ practice gcu grand canyon university
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Diverse church near gcu grand canyon university
episcopal campus ministry
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Looking for a church home?
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00am or just spend time in the Chapel. This is a place where all people are welcome, and we encourage you to learn more about the Episcopal Church!
If you come from an evangelical background, you may not be used to liturgical worship services, but after a few Sundays, folks feel right at home. Please join us for fellowship at coffee hour immediately following the service. You will be warmly welcomed!
Looking to learn?
If you want to know more about the Episcopal Church, Anglicans, or about our Christian heritage in the Church of England and the Oxford Movement, you’ve come to the right place. We hold Bible Study and offer free adult Christian Education on a regular basis.
Interested in exploring Gregorian chant, sacred music, organ, or hymnody? Drop by for choir practice on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome, regardless of musical experience. All materials and teaching are free.
Looking to get involved?
If you want to use your gifts to serve our neighborhood, there are plenty of opportunities at St. Mary’s. We seek to help the community in various ways - a Saturday morning Food Bank, evangelism, prison outreach, water for the homeless, and Sunday school for children and youth.
Visit Us
St. Mary’s is a warm and welcoming community, and we will be honored to have you as our guest!