What is Candlemas?
Every year at the end of the Christmas season, we hear the story of Jesus being presented in the Temple. A 'just and devout' blind man named Simeon takes the child Jesus in his arms and proclaims that he is "the light that enlightens all nations." Candles from home are then blessed. As they burn throughout the year, they remind us that Christ is the light - the light of all people.
Curious to learn more? Be there on Friday, February 1st at 7:00pm for the beautiful liturgy of Candlemas. St. Mary's schola cantorum choir will be singing, and as always, a reception follows the service.
Bring your candles from home for this service!
If you prefer not to drive at night or need a ride to Mass, please contact the church office at 602-354-7540 so we can arrange one for you.