About All Saints
All Saints is a holiday that celebrates all the extraordinary men and women of Christian faith throughout history, while All Souls commemorates all the faithful departed. At St. Mary's, we celebrate both on the same day.
Because it is a festival honoring the dead, many rich cultural traditions have grown up around the feast, such as lighting candles and leaving food at gravesites. As the days shorten and the nights grow longer, many cultures designated this time of year as a kind of "thin place," where the distance between worlds is not so great.
In short, it is a way for the living and the dead to come together, to celebrate with those who live and love "on another shore, in a greater light."
At St. Mary's, we celebrate All Saints and All Souls together by gathering at dusk in the graveyard to pray for the souls of all the faithful departed and read the names of our departed loved ones. If you would like the name of a loved one added to the list, or if you need a ride to the service, please call the parish offices at (602) 354-7540. As always, a reception follows the service. You are always welcome here!