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Weekly    Notices


The Great Fifty Days of Easter

Easter Sunday is only the beginning!


A great fifty-day feast (known as “Eastertide,” “Easter Season,” or “Easter Time,” as well as “Paschaltide,” “Paschal Season,” or “Paschal Time”) kicks off on Easter Day. In the Church Year, this is quite literally fifty days of feasting.

Easter is the high point of the Church Year. So it makes sense that we would party for so long. After all, the main point of the whole gospel is to prepare us for an eternal celebration and feast.

This is reflected in the fact that our Lenten fast only lasts forty days (not including Sundays), while Easter is fifty days. Fasting will pass away, as Jesus said, but the Great Feast of the Lamb will last for ages of ages (a Hebrew into Greek idiom for eternity!).

So let the feasting begin!


What is the “Greeting” for Easter Season?

We say “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Christmas!” but what about Easter? Does it have a greeting?

Yes, there is an ancient and universal greeting of celebration for Easter:

Greeting: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Response: The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia!

This is called the Paschal Greeting, or the Easter Acclamation. One of the reasons that we don’t say “Alleluia” in Lent is so that the impact of this acclamation will be that much greater.

So: Alleluia! Christ is risen!


(courtesy of Anglican Compass)

Adult Formation

Adult Formation

Weekly Bible Study

Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. by Zoom

Exploring the Gospel of John

Anglicanism places a strong emphasis on Scripture as a primary source of authority, and the Gospel of John is revered for its portrayal of the life, teachings, and redemptive work of Jesus. Its central theme of God's love and the call to faith resonates deeply with Anglican theology, highlighting the transformative power of God's grace. Anglican theologians and scholars engage with the Gospel of John in understanding of its profound teachings. Overall, the Gospel of John holds a cherished place in Anglicanism, guiding the faith, worship, and theological exploration of Anglicans around the world.


Read more here. Everyone is welcome!

Children and Youth

Children and Youth

Sunday School

Sundays at 10:30 a.m.


Lectionary-based Montessori-style learning and activities for children and youth are available during the Liturgy of the Word all year round Young people join the service during the Exchange of the Peace.

Baptism & Confirmation

Baptism and Confirmation

Any parishioners (adult or youth) interested in receiving the sacraments of baptism or confirmation should contact Fr. Craig as soon as possible. Baptisms will occur on Pentecost (May 19). Confirmations will take place at All Saint's Episcopal Church, Phoenix, Saturday, May 11, 2024.

Dominican Quiet Day
AZ Quiet Day Poster JPG CORRECTED.jpg


The Alms Fund :: Helping parishioners and others in immediate need

The number of people calling—or appearing at our doors—needing help with rent, water or electric or gas bills, food, auto repair, etc., has greatly increased since the height of the pandemic. These are tough times for many of us, and the Alms Fund is there to help...sometimes. You can help us help those who despair that their electricity will be cut off, or that they will be evicted, or that their children won't have the nourishment they need to grow and flourish, or they need a nice outfit in order to interview for a job, or...or...or...

You can help St. Mary's respond in ways Jesus commanded us to respond by donating to St. Mary's Alms Fund. Just write a check with a memo "Alms Fund," or if you make your donations electronically, you can designate an extra donation to St. Mary's with a similar memo. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Parish Administrator, Karen Dura, at


Help us help St. Mary's People and many others in immediate need so they have time to seek longer term solutions.


Thank you so very much!

Sign Up for Diocesan News

The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona publishes a weekly email news letter—which includes thoughts about a variety of topics by Bishop Reddall—and a quarterly magazine.  These are free to anyone in our congregation who wishes to receive them.  All you have to do is sign up!


Just enter in your web browser and follow the link.  These are excellent ways to keep abreast of happenings around the diocese and the larger church.


Subscribe to our email list for once-a-week announcements, reflections, and news items from St. Mary's. It's a great way to stay in touch with what's happening around the parish!


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